The Rowlands I heard, were huge monoblocs (what happened here to compact size of Class D?). I have not heard the later iteration of this design. I am not surprised that it is much better. Typical of any relatively new technology is that the learning curve is pretty steep at the beginning.
The issue will be where that curve tops out and how long will it take to get there. It is really impossible to know now what the ultimate capabilities of any technology will be. Take phono reproduction as an example. To me, there is NO question that modern cartridges keep getting better. On other fronts things are not so clear. Some of the best speakers I've heard use drivers and other components from the 1930's and so very old amps are absolutely amazing when hooked up to modern front end gear (Western Electric amps, Brooks, etc.).
The issue will be where that curve tops out and how long will it take to get there. It is really impossible to know now what the ultimate capabilities of any technology will be. Take phono reproduction as an example. To me, there is NO question that modern cartridges keep getting better. On other fronts things are not so clear. Some of the best speakers I've heard use drivers and other components from the 1930's and so very old amps are absolutely amazing when hooked up to modern front end gear (Western Electric amps, Brooks, etc.).