Hi All,
I'm in the midst of a home evaluation of a Spectron Musician Signature 3 with MBL 101e's. The preamp is an MBL 6010D. My current amp is a Boulder 2060, and the reason I'm looking for a new one is that I changed to a computer-based USB DAC by Wavelength Audio. When I changed, something went missing. That thing was bass dynamics. Not bloated , flabby bass, but the clean punchy, articulated bass that provides, for me, the foundation for the music. Bear in mind that this eval is in my system,in my room, using my ears, blah, blah, blah.
The amp is, in a word, spectaular. The images which were kind of thin, have become fleshed out and solid. The drums kick you in the chest. Vocals are to die for. The only thing holding me back is further evaluation of the delicate, nuanced highs that you only hear with a deep black background. I'm still going through my recordings for pieces that highlight those moments. I'm pretty much sold. For $6500, it is a no-brainer. Spectron says that they have many people using them with MBL's, in stereo, not mono config. I have the amp for 3 more days.
I'm in the midst of a home evaluation of a Spectron Musician Signature 3 with MBL 101e's. The preamp is an MBL 6010D. My current amp is a Boulder 2060, and the reason I'm looking for a new one is that I changed to a computer-based USB DAC by Wavelength Audio. When I changed, something went missing. That thing was bass dynamics. Not bloated , flabby bass, but the clean punchy, articulated bass that provides, for me, the foundation for the music. Bear in mind that this eval is in my system,in my room, using my ears, blah, blah, blah.
The amp is, in a word, spectaular. The images which were kind of thin, have become fleshed out and solid. The drums kick you in the chest. Vocals are to die for. The only thing holding me back is further evaluation of the delicate, nuanced highs that you only hear with a deep black background. I'm still going through my recordings for pieces that highlight those moments. I'm pretty much sold. For $6500, it is a no-brainer. Spectron says that they have many people using them with MBL's, in stereo, not mono config. I have the amp for 3 more days.