Anybody hear Murano ICE amps?

Sold on ebay they obviously have no marketing budge tom get a 8 ohm 250 watt performer at $769.They also make a 600 watt 8ohm and 1000+ amp.Looks like minimalist construction though input is supposed well regarded Swiss make (according to them).Plenty o' slam for the buck but there seesm to be just as much difference in ICE amps as your typical Class AB.Anybody bought them?
Bongo Pete
(really it's chazz but want some action here)
Noted that it's $769 per amp so not exactly give away but considering Bel Canto is arround same price for single chassis stereo but with 100 less watts it's not absurd seal but maybe worth throwing down on.But if it;'s not there sonically resale might tke hit.So...