Best stereo recievers of the 1970's?

I remember walking in to my local Hi Fi shop and looking at the line ups of
recievers.Pioneer,,Jvc,Sansui,Kenwood,Luxman.I loved the Sansui 9090 db
but when I heard the Luxman (don't remember the model number) in the late 70's it was the best I've ever heard at the time.
When I was 7 or so my dad had this really glossy silver Zenith unit with lighted meters and tons of dials and switches, I wonder how many hours I spent dreaming he would give me that? (divored parents in seperate states).
I bet that is when my first real love for Audio gear started, I dont really recall how it sounded, It was just eye candy!
I second the Pioneer unit. Remarkable piece of machinery! Sansui had also nice models with FETs at the front-end. Those were the funny times of "specs war".
