ARC Reference 110 vs older ARC amps eg VT150

Hi folks

After a number of years running solid state amplification, I recently changed my pre from Krell KRC-HR to the Audio Research LS26, and I'm loving the music it's making. So much so, I'm thinking of replacing my Krell power amp (FPB300) with an ARC.

Logically, the current ARC Reference 110 would be the ideal contender. However, at US$9K, its pretty pricey. A used amp would be much easier on my wallet. How would the slightly older ARC amps, such as the VT150's, VT200's etc compare to the Ref 110?

Thanks in advance for all your input,
kind regards
Hi Mickey

One man's experience....

I used a Krell KSA 200S and ARC LS3B for years...detail and dynamics were killer, but at times the presentation was a little clinical. I always felt drawn to the richness of tubes. But I couldn't find tube equipment that didn't sound muted, muddy and compressed.

All that changed last year. I now have an ARC LS26 (new) and ARC VT100 (picked up a demo from the local dealer) and I've never been happier...detail, dynamics, soundstage, incredible sweetness...These two components are great individually, but together they have completely redefined my enjoyment...I imagine a Ref 110 would be spectacular with the LS26, but it's out of my pricerange.

good luck...

First of all, the VT150/150se (monoblocks) or the VT130/130se (stereo) are in a class by themselves. Both sonically, and among ARC's designs. They have fully balanced circuits, balanced inputs (only,) and tube regulated power supplies. If you can get your hands on a used pair of VT150se ($16k/pr in '94), you'll be very happy! I'd suggest you check their S/N w/ ARC to find out if they have the capacitor upgrade, and if not, order the kit ($200/unit)

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Hi guys,

Thanks for your input.
Nsgarch, what does the capacitor upgrade do for the sound of the VT 150's?

On the subject of the SE's (special editions) are they an improvement in sound quality over the regular VT150's or is it just cosmetic? Some of my friends believe that the only difference is the faceplates and meters, others say the the SE has better circuit design.
Who's right?

The specs are the same for either. The main difference is convenience (and, let's face it, cosmetic ;-) The SE versions (applies to the 130SE also) make bias-checking much easier (a good thing because you'll do it more often) and all cords and cables are from the rear panel.

The cap upgrade is well worth it for smoother highs and mids.
I respectfully disagree with Nsgarch. The VT150 was very impressive in its day, but ARC has surpassed its sound with many amplifier models since.

The VT100mkII and VT200 (very similar designs) are faster, tighter, and more extended. The next generation VT100mkIII and VT200mkII are even better sounding still, with improved detail, high frequency refinement and openness.

The REF110 is in another league still. It is much more transparent than any of these amps and has a more liquid, open, grain-free presentation. It is also more dynamically free and effortless sounding.

Hearing the VT150 today after being spoiled by 4 generations of newer ARC amps leaves it sounding a bit veiled, slightly grainy, a little soft, overly round generally, and tubby and less extended in the bass by comparison. That's not to say that the 150 is without its own charm, it's still a very special amp compared to many others. But with that charm comes with significant coloration, lack of control and loss in transparency by today's standards.

This wouldn't be as important to someone who is used to more colored tube sound or older gear generally, but the original poster is already spoiled by his current LS26 preamp, which is very similar in terms of character and transparency to the REF110...and very different sounding from the older VT150.

I'm an ARC dealer