Advice on upgrade of a 2.1 audio setup

I have a system that I’m using both for HT and 2.1 audio. Currently I use a low end receiver (yama HTR-5860). I would like to upgrade my 2.1 path. I don’t care about audio quality for HT/5.1 and I will continue to use the receiver for this.

My speakers are Onix Ref 1 monitors and ACI Force XL subwoofer. I want to stay with these for now. My source is a stock Squeezebox3 streaming FLAC files.

I listen to all kinds of music, but primarily alternative rock, jazz, punk, rock. I like female vocals (e.g. Stina Nordenstam, Patti Smith, Nico, Feist). I listen at moderate volumes but in a large, open room.

I know that I’m missing a lot with my receiver, but in particular I’m looking for two improvements: less fatiguing, easier to listen sound and more clarity, especially for “larger” compositions.

The budget is about $1000 for used equipment. I’m considering are 2 ch amp (SS only - I will use it for HT as well), preamp and a DAC. I know about SB3 mods but I don’t want to go this route.

Which component should I upgrade? Whole budget on amp and continue to use receiver as pre-pro? Divide budget between power amp and preamp and use analog out from SB3? Divide budget between amp, preamp and DAC? I have been reading about tube preamp with a SS amp and I’m very interested in this idea. Is this advisable at this budget? If not, what budget would be required to get the benefits?

Some amps I’m considering: Mccormack DNA 0.5 or 1, Odyssey Stratos, CI D-100, Bel Canto, Parasound, Ps audio HCA-2. I don’t know about preamps yet (I think I need HT bypass and second output to feed my Force XL) or DACs.

OK, I have just bought a Threshold S/200 Stasis amp here. I hope I made a right decision.

That puts me on a path to separate preamp. Can anybody recommend a preamp that will pair well with the Threshold (no more than $500 used)? It needs to have two preamp outputs and a HT bypass would be desirable. I also want to be able to control volume with a remote.

I think I have read somewhere here that Thresholds don't pair well with tube preamps. Is that true? Could you explain why?

Look at B&K.
If I had known what you were up to, I would have suggested selling your receiver and buying an HT pre/pro and amp combo. You could have fit an Anthem AVM-2 or Sunfire 2 plus a nice 5 channel amp into your mix with great sound and less components.
Elevick, I have considered the 5ch amp + AV preproc route but decided against it. I'm fine with the receiver as AV preproc and amplifier for surround. I wanted to put all the money into the 2ch part of the system.

What b&k preamp would you recommend?
Regarding Threshold amps and tube preamps:
I use an old threshold 4000 with a lector zoe tube amp and find the synergy just fine. If you want an inexpensive ss pre amp for your threshold s/200 try a forte 44. It was designed by Nelson Pass or his design team at forte and should match well with threshold ss amps. It is soley for 2 channel as I don't think it has HT bypass.
Something as simple and cheap as the pro-3 would work. They are very clean and simple.
However, I'd really stress doing it right. What you are planning will kill the theater end of things. A B&K 505/507 receiver even will greatly improve everything all around.