Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402?

I have B&W N802 and for some time planning to buy X250.5 amp.
I heard others found better match with big Macs?! I also had good results with Mimetism Audio 15.2 model. Please advise...
I think Pass Labs .5 series amps are great. I have only heard them at shows, but the design has more in common with some of their older single gain stage amps. The signal is much more clean.

The new Mac gear is an improvement over what they've been selling for the last twenty years. I have heard some of it in a home situation. I thought it was okay.

BUT I still have never heard a B&W speaker I would want to listen to for any length of time, much less buy...

Oh well, you have to start somewhere.



I have a long (35 year) history of using McIntosh amplifiers. Of course I have bought and borrowed a number of others in an effort to find something "better". I recently sold my McIntosh MC 300 and bought a used Pass Labs 250.0. I read so much about its full , natural organic sound etc. Between professional and consumer reviews, it really sounded like what I wanted. All that I can tell you is that in my system, the Mac was smoother, fuller, and simply sounded more like music to me. It is undoubtedly a superior amp, but I guess that it just proves once more that you need to listen before you buy. It isn't possible to know what sound a person is referencing in their mind when they describe a components sound in a relative way to another component. I also believe that part of my reaction is based on the fact that I have used McIntosh amps for so many years that they sound more correct to me. In any case, I plan on buying a MC 402. I know that I will love it. As a sidebar, I discovered that the Pass amp had an amazing synergy with the Nestorovic speakers in my second system.