Tube amps with BALLS in the low end registrer ???

i am searching for a moderate power (200 to 250 WPC)tube mono block amp who got balls in the low end !!!
Any sugestions with hybrid mono block amps are welcome
Alternative from SS AMPS are : MCintosh MC 501 or the PASS X350.5 ???
Which pair of amps will be the best to drive with comfort a pair of PARSIFAL ENCORE ?
P.S.: i like a soft and WET sound !!!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
I have a CAT Ultimate preamp and it has great bass. If its an indicator of their amps, you may want to look at CAT. I also have a pair of Joule Stargates which, although they do not have slam and I don't expect them to in my setup, they do have the best bass timbre perhaps of any amp I have heard. By timbre, I don't mean boom, but I mean the underlying detail and tone and harmonics. Jeff
if you want exotic and esoteric, commission josh at to build you a custom masterpiece. i'm sure he can make you a fabulous piece of gear, though i don't think he dabbles in amps over 25 watts.
Or you could get one of these...

So far it carries the greatest low end authority of anything *I've* heard- and it can drive 2-3 ohms easily... there is a built-in tube tester and AC line regulator- it can make full power even if your line voltage sags to 100V.

FWIW there was a long-standing thread with a similar subject title...

sorry for the plug guys but this was getting a little ridiculous.