Opinions on Marantz SA-7S1, Nagra CDP

Might be changing the digital side of my system. Does anyone have any experience with the new Marantz SA-7S1 or the Nagra CDP. These 2 pieces interest me because of their novel ways of handling cd, seem very well thought out. Possibly replacing a Krell Reference 64 DAC DT-10 transport. This combo has a very weighted, dynamic sound, considered to be a form of distortion by purists, but I actually enjoy the presentation. My preamp and amps which I have no intention of removing (SMC McCormack monos and pre)have a warm , liquid signature and precise, clear sounding digital is what works best in my experience. Any thoughts are appreciated.
The Nagra is of interest because of its build quality and attention to detail. Features and being user friendly is unimportant. Larryi, although the Naim is a very impressive machine, as you said, it is in a completely different price category. Hamr, thank you for your comments on the Marantz.
I too like a compact player with front/drawer type of loading. But, the Philips mechanism that Nagra employs is really meant for top loading, so Nagra had to engineer a drawer to move the whole transport in order to convert it to front loading. The key question is whether they can successfully manage vibration dampening/isolation with such a mechanism.

The bottom line is the success of such implementation. I like the sound of that player and I also like its unusual looks.

I've seen and heard the Marantz, though only in a dealer's system. It is very well built and operates very smoothly. I've always been impressed with what they offer for the money in digital source components.
I own a Nagra CDC, soon will change to a CDP, as I prefer to use a preamp than going direct to the amplifier. Some people do not agree with me on this aspect.
The Nagra is an amazing CD - the most detailed and 3D I ever had. Depth and soundtage are outstanding. Read the recent review at Soundstage. I also own a CD7, and Marc Mickelson did a very fair review. In Europe both players cost the same price so the cost analysis is different.
Very recently I heard my Nagra with a friend Dartzeel's - it is a fantastic match.
BTW, it is true what people say - the unbalanced output sounds better than the balanced.