Swiss amps

Hi, i am curious about the perceived superiority of Swiss amps. The sold states include Goldmund, FM acoustics, Dartzeel, Orpheus. The tube ones like Davinci, Nagra, etc.
They are typically extremely expensive.
Question to folks in the know and have used some of the these....what is so special about them ?
each employ unique circuitry (...) which makes them rather unique
You floored me.
Can you research the new circuit and advise -- and why hasn't anyone won a Nobel prize for this??
(In other words... Relax)
This is bit off topic question I have for the Goldmund owners: how does a Goldmund poweramp sound? Does it sound tubelike? Does is sound musical, soft and silky in the treble? Or is it just a revealing amp in a clinical way? In other words: why did you decide to choose for a Goldmund poweramp?

FM Acoustics' website claims "proprietry enhanced class A circuitry".

Goldmund uses what they call "JOB5 circuit" (orignally invented by several grad students).

Dartzeel won't even say what circuit they use (but speaker cables MUST be connected b/f operation).

neither FM nor Goldmund makes use of massive transformers, capacitors, nor heatsinks commonly found on other high-end amps (in fact, pics of their innards show them to be mostly hollow), yet all 3 hv high bandwidth/current, are relatively lightweight, & run cool to the touch, etc. i'm not aware of any other Class A amp with these characteristics.

the Swiss does do a thriving trade in professional audio components. i believe companies such as FM Acoustics, Nagra, Weiss, etc. all started out this way. although this does not necessarily mean they'd make good audiophile components, it does show they are investing a fair amt in R&D.

as for Nobel prizes, i don't think they give these out for superb amp (or elec circuit) designs at the moment.
hi Dazzdax,

the latest Goldmund Telos range doesn't sound tubelike or silky. they're tonally transparent with very extended highs & more on the 'forward' side. pace-wise, they fast & dynamic (hence very lively). i find them similar in character to FM Acoustics.
what superiority are you talking about ?

is such superiority based upon your opinions or those of others ?

while i haven't heard these amps in my own system, i have heard them iat ces. i will again hear the dartzeel at ces next month. i'm not overly impressed with any othe poroducts you mentioned.