Please I'm not referring to the information to help members understand his design or optimize its performance, but it seems to me that he really believes that his piece is the "BEST" there can be in linestage.
So, I still believe that the way this piece is being "marketed" on this thread or how George comes across in his "conviction" that his linestage is the "BEST" regarding his design is quite different then anything Ralph Karsten has ever done on any Audiogon forum.Why shouldn't he believe its the best? That's one of the things I like about George (a bit cocky for a designer, kind of reminds me of me in fact). You don't think Ralph feels the same way about his OTL designs? He might be more politically correct (in some peoples views) about how he goes about it, but he often refers to his white papers here to back up his work. Some people consider that a marketing ploy, but I don't blame him one bit for displaying his research and expertise. There's also a little thing going on over AA where he posted a review of one of his amps. Some people have been critical of that, but I take no exception to it.
I don't see where George is forcing his product on anyone here. Does he come on a little strong sometimes with his convictions, sure, but I don't care. As a consumer I get to make choices. This thread has been going on for a while. If something were truly wrong I'd have to think the moderators would put an end to it.
Your other remark that George, "proably could have made more money developing an active linestage", but chose not to because of his conviction to this design is not only pure conjuncture on your part, but kinda silly that he rather make less money then more from a business sense.Yep, it's conjuncture. However, I get the feeling from reading stuff and dealing with George directly that he being retired had a successful enough run in his career that at this point he'd rather be surfing than working any harder than he chooses to. It's a hobby and something fun for him to do. I can appreciate someone who can make these types of lifestyle decisions when others are slaves to their work.
His use of the LED design instead of transformers or resistors is quite interesting, but does not put him, in my opinion, in the patheon of designers like Ralph Karsten, Nelson Pass, or Masataka Tsuda.I think Nelson Pass paid George one of the highest compliments when he went public on the DIYAudio thread with his own variation of George's LDR design. Enough said.
I know two of the three designers you mentioned personally and respect them enough that I use their equipment. I consider Masataka Tsuda a friend and one of the most gracious men I have ever met in my life. I'll be working with him again at the upcoming CES/THE SHOW in Las Vegas. So with that in mind I will say that design principles and preferences aside, as well as differences in personality, I think George and Masa are more similar than they are different. Both use some very unique concepts in their designs that should be heard by more people.