Need some $500 & under Amp recommendations


I wanted to get some opinions this if I could...

I picked up a new pair of Paradigm Atoms v5 and am looking for a good integrated or amp/pre combo to match. My budget is limited to $500 or under.

What I am looking for is whatever would give me the absolute cleanest sound I could get in that price range. I don't need a lot of power as the Atoms are efficient little speakers.

I am open to anything... tubes or solid, integrated or seperates, used or new... I have already done quite a bit of research... at this point my money is on a Nad C325BEE.

I do realize that with sound gear, one thing sounding 'better' than another is largely subjective. Yet, I would still like some opinions to help, especially since I haven't the resources to test a bunch of equipment before buying. I just want to make sure I didn't miss something in my research and that there is a majority opinion of "Oh, well obviously the Turbo Sonic Medulla Stimulator is vastly superior to the NAD C325BEE."

Thanks for the help everyone!
I used a NAD C352 for a short time while waiting for an amp and was thrilled with it's performance. I purchased it over the C325BEE because it has an extra pre out for use with a subwoofer. Although you may not need a sub now, it's nice to know you can add later with ease. Not sure what the retail price is but they can be had here used for less than $400. Good luck and enjoy.
Awesome, thanks for the affirmation guys.

So, I wouldn't be able to hook a subwoofer up to the C325BEE?
This is something I indeed did want to do in the future. I'm still not sure how to hook a sub up... I heard you can do it via speaker terminals, pre-amp outs, and I have seen amps like the Outlaw RR2150 with dedicated subwoofer outs.

So if I want to hook a sub up, I want to look for an amp with 2 sets of pre-outs? One for the sub and the other for the power amp?

NAD is very decent. My take is this is a two channel rig. I've owned the Atoms and they really liked my then Rega Brio. Bit warmer than the NAD and of course you could upgrade to a newer and/or larger Rega integrated. Construction is substantial and they are quite reliable, an issue as of the last few years with NAD.
It is simpler to hook the sub to an extra set of pre outs, which the 352 has and the 325 lacks. Check this out for complete info. They have a nice feature that lets you look at the back of each amp. Most subs can be hooked via the speaker terminals and some people prefer it this way. I prefer a separate pre out hook up in my system. And yes you can also run the pre out from the amp to the sub and then back to the amps main in with some subs so it would be possible with the 325BEE.
Also, I've owned two recent NAD products (C541i and C352) with no reliability issues. The only negative comment I have about the 352 is the remote volume control was very sensitive. Made it hard to fine tune the volume.