Preamp/amp far superior to just int. amp.?

I am curious if there is that much of a jump up in sound quality if a person goes from an integrated amplifier setup to a preamp/amp setup within the same manufacturer? I realize this is a loaded question, and it is somewhat rhetorical, but I just wanted some feedback if I threw it out there.

The reason I am asking is because I am wondering what my next upgrade will be in the future (not near future), because I have an excellent budget amp (Rega Brio 3), but there will come a time when I go to a better integrated amp., or spend the same amount that I would spend on that int. amp. and perhaps buy a not as good brand's preamp/amp. What would give more bang for the buck for say, $2000? I guess that is my true question.
For 2K I would second the integrated route though there are lots of paths to salvation....good luck,Bob
I took everyone's advice and upgraded to a Rega Mira 3. No seperates for now, just the Rega quality integrated.
For your $2k, I would have recommended a used Simaudio I-5 or I-5.3 integrated amp.
Hello Rich,

The Mira 3 sounds excellent so far. I am a big fan of Rega, but some day when I have more money I am going to try out other manufacturers to compare, such as Naim, Prima Luna, Krell, Mark Levinson, etc. For now, with my budget and small size of my living quarters, the Regas are doing great.

Take care and thank you all for your advice.
