Could use some help with a tough match

I currently have a pair of Threshold SA 1's which have been completely rebuilt. My challenge is to find a preamp to create the right synergy with my Sonus Faber Amati's. I would like to try a tube preamp but the Threshold's input impedence (75k) and its unbalanced inputs are making it very difficult to find a match. Has anyone out there had any success running the SA 1's with a tube preamp ?
Thank you Unsound. Excellent post, you have helped me crystalize my way forward. I will leave the Thresholds unbalanced because frankly I firmly believe they match up well with my speakers so will look for a single ended ARC, Sonic Frontiers or c-j preamp but welcome other suggestions. I looked at the ARC 3 but once again would be paying for technology ( balanced operations) I won't use. Any recommendations on a good ARC, Sonic Frontiers, or c-j models? I don't mind if its a few years old but I really want a quality unit. It will be the heart of my system so a class A component is essential ( quiet, big soundstage and dynamics ). I will start researching again but if anyone has a slam dunk recommendation I would appreciate your input.
Don, if you are looking for a great single-ended preamp, I suggest that you do some research on this Shindo Monbrisson. They are a rare find on the used market.

FWIW, I have no connection with the seller.

I have use a few different preamps from Space Tech Labs with S series Threshold and Fote #4 + #6 amps with very good results. Custom built to match the rest of your gear.