preamp for dartzeel amp?


Anyone usen listen, or can recommend a preamp for the dartzeel amp. I cannot afford the dartzeel preamp which costs at least 15k used!

I current use the emm labs preamp/dac combo with the emmlabs transport and evolution acoustic mm2.speakers.

I most interested in tube preamp or tubelike or hybrid preamps!


...i have had many preamps and my current 'first sound'.preamp..linestage only..paramount mk ii ..designed by emanual go far..the best i have had..he makes 9..i think..models from about $6k new to $28k ..they are tubed with separate outboard power supplies and completely separate internal rt and lt channel hardware.go to their website...good luck
get a rowland consummate. i know it's old and cheap, but it sounds beautiful as well as detailed. it just doesn't thrust the music at you. just make sure it has the upgraded (most recent) line stage modules, which are far superior to the originals. also, you can pop the lid and adjust input and output impedences, gain, etc. without tools or solder. plus it's fully balanced from input to output.
if that isn't quite good enough you could get a synergy 2i,
with a third of the features and flexibility, but an aircraft aluminum case.
otoh, i am so opinionated these days maybe i shouldn't even suggest this considering the dartzeel is an $18K amplifier. but from EVERYTHING i've heard and read, the dart and the older rowland gear seem to be designed to do very similar things.
if the dartzeel preamp came two ways- with and without the phono stage you could probably afford it. but they make two products and are probably not going to make a third in the forseable future. which must be very frustrating for those who want monoblocks with at least 200W into 8ohms, or
a linestage, or a standalone phono stage. with all due respect to the musicality of their stuff, perhaps way to much ink is being spilled about them while other companies are making components that are just as good...hell, you could buy an old pass aleph amplifier and go nuts over how tubelike it sounds (couldn't you??)
...just my 2 euro's worth...
hey mike, from what i've heard in my own system, the preamp section in the dcc2 is excellent and will take some bucks to beat. what are you looking to add, or conversely, what do you feel is missing?