"Keep in mind that if you are investing in tube power, your investment dollar will be better served by a speaker that is 8 ohms or more (particularly in the woofer region) than a speaker that is 4 ohms."
Hi Atmasphere,
I've always understood this to be true of OTLs but how significant is the high impedance issue with push-pull or SET amps. This has always been a little confusing to me because it seems that while almost all speakers are classified as either 4 or 8 ohm, impedance charts can show quite a bit of fluctuation. I would like to try an OTL with my 8 ohm Mini Utopias but I believe they dip to 4 ohm and I don't know where.
Hi Atmasphere,
I've always understood this to be true of OTLs but how significant is the high impedance issue with push-pull or SET amps. This has always been a little confusing to me because it seems that while almost all speakers are classified as either 4 or 8 ohm, impedance charts can show quite a bit of fluctuation. I would like to try an OTL with my 8 ohm Mini Utopias but I believe they dip to 4 ohm and I don't know where.