mastersound SET amps from Italy

Can anyone describe the sound of SET Triode amps of Mastersound ,Italy
I owned the Viva 845 monoblocks a couple of years ago.

"Not all Watts are created equal."
I couldn't agree more with that statement!
>>why not Viva, which are somewhat cheaper<<

Bad information.

The Viva amps are not cheaper.

Even the integrated Solista at $17K is more than any Mastersound product including the 300B and 845 monoblocks.

Comparatively speaking, the Mastersound integrateds are "bargains" vis a vis the Solista ($17K) and Little Solista ($8K).

Dealer disclosure on both lines.
I had a chance to the hear the Mastersound Compact 845 amp in my system compared with the 300 PSE.
If I went through a checklist of twenty audiophile-approved criteria most checks would probably end up with the 845. I would then unplug the 845, put in its box, and enjoy the 300B.
One sounds like real people playing real instruments in my room and the other sounds like an incredibly good stereo.
The Viva amps are not cheaper.

Sorry about that, the last time I checked, the Solista was just under $10,000. I got my ex dem unit for $4000. In that case $17000, does seem quite a lot
I have heard the 220,el34 based, the 230 kt88 based, the 300 BE and the 845. They are all terrific. They are more muscical and have more push and space than the comparably priced Pathos or Raysonic integrateds. If you want dynamics buy the 845. It can separate and space every instrument. The 220 has more height compared to the the 230. Yet the 230 gives more distinct separation and placement and deeper bass. The 300 can do it all. Each has a quality which is pleasing and distinctive. I have also compared them with Van Den Hul, B&K, and Sphinx separates and Roksan and Sonneteer integrateds. These are all very fine in their own right, but the tube pieces make the music sound proper and engaging.
They are built with the utmost care and thought.