>>why not Viva, which are somewhat cheaper<<
Bad information.
The Viva amps are not cheaper.
Even the integrated Solista at $17K is more than any Mastersound product including the 300B and 845 monoblocks.
Comparatively speaking, the Mastersound integrateds are "bargains" vis a vis the Solista ($17K) and Little Solista ($8K).
Dealer disclosure on both lines.
Bad information.
The Viva amps are not cheaper.
Even the integrated Solista at $17K is more than any Mastersound product including the 300B and 845 monoblocks.
Comparatively speaking, the Mastersound integrateds are "bargains" vis a vis the Solista ($17K) and Little Solista ($8K).
Dealer disclosure on both lines.