Jmcg- yes, re: the Pass, I don't believe the XA-60 is balanced, but I could be wrong- I only know the newer XA-30.5 is. Belles MB-01? Hmmm- any writeups on this one? As for the VTL 450- I am sure the newer version would be mucho denaro $$$! You had Claytons? cool- it sounds like the new M-200's would fit all parameters except for cost ($9,500 new). One amp everyone seems to agree on though are the Lamms.
Rleff- have never heard Moscode- is it also a true balanced design? Do they have lower powerered versions, and how would you describe their sonic signature?
T_bone- EAR- yes! Have heard some great stuff about that guy's products. I will have to see if they have a Canadian dealer somwhere- would really like to give them a listen- would the 861's be the sweeter-sounding of the two? (compared to the 890)
Apache- yes, Manley was mentioned earlier- good thought, but am not sure if they run balanced, and how hard they are on tubes, in fact not even sure which are their best models.
Rleff- have never heard Moscode- is it also a true balanced design? Do they have lower powerered versions, and how would you describe their sonic signature?
T_bone- EAR- yes! Have heard some great stuff about that guy's products. I will have to see if they have a Canadian dealer somwhere- would really like to give them a listen- would the 861's be the sweeter-sounding of the two? (compared to the 890)
Apache- yes, Manley was mentioned earlier- good thought, but am not sure if they run balanced, and how hard they are on tubes, in fact not even sure which are their best models.