I listened to the 401HR on my friends soundlab a3's and was very impressed.Moscode is a tube hybrid rated at 200 watts per channel;listening to the A3's there was a large soundstage,excellant bass control and the strings seemed just natural to me (proper timbre I guess).
I have soundlab m2's and was going to buy one of these myself except I decided to try the OTL experience;if I was going another direction the Moscode would be on my short list.Moscode website is;the only spec that it does not meet as you listed is it does not have balanced inputs.
I listened to the 401HR on my friends soundlab a3's and was very impressed.Moscode is a tube hybrid rated at 200 watts per channel;listening to the A3's there was a large soundstage,excellant bass control and the strings seemed just natural to me (proper timbre I guess).
I have soundlab m2's and was going to buy one of these myself except I decided to try the OTL experience;if I was going another direction the Moscode would be on my short list.Moscode website is;the only spec that it does not meet as you listed is it does not have balanced inputs.