Muralman1 - I don't recognize this module. It is probably made by B&O for car market and not the home audio. In addition it is in application that always uses switching power supplies - no linear to compare with.
Yes you'll find switchers in every piece of modern mass market electronics but you'll also find linear supplies there. Should I conclude that linear supplies are not suitable for audio? It is important to understand that class D amp including your H2O is switching mode power supply with varying reference voltage. Do you really thing that B&O would put mass market power supply "not suitable for audio" in their best amps or you believe that good SMPS cannot be designed for audio? Again your H2O is switching power supply.
Switching power supplies have improved over the years as much as class D amps (because it's the same thing). They operate at zero-voltage, zero-current switching with very little noise that is non audible and easy to filter out. Many manufacturers are still sticking to old fashion "no brain needed to design" linear power supply probably believing that switchers are worse but it is really funny that they produce class D amps.
Jeff Rowland switched all his production to class D with switching power supplies. He even uses switchers in preamps and he released only great products in over 20 years. Maybe your audio experience or expectations are higher than mine but if it's good enough for Jeff Rowland is good enough for me.
Yes you'll find switchers in every piece of modern mass market electronics but you'll also find linear supplies there. Should I conclude that linear supplies are not suitable for audio? It is important to understand that class D amp including your H2O is switching mode power supply with varying reference voltage. Do you really thing that B&O would put mass market power supply "not suitable for audio" in their best amps or you believe that good SMPS cannot be designed for audio? Again your H2O is switching power supply.
Switching power supplies have improved over the years as much as class D amps (because it's the same thing). They operate at zero-voltage, zero-current switching with very little noise that is non audible and easy to filter out. Many manufacturers are still sticking to old fashion "no brain needed to design" linear power supply probably believing that switchers are worse but it is really funny that they produce class D amps.
Jeff Rowland switched all his production to class D with switching power supplies. He even uses switchers in preamps and he released only great products in over 20 years. Maybe your audio experience or expectations are higher than mine but if it's good enough for Jeff Rowland is good enough for me.