Tandberg 3012 Integrated w/ Innersound ISIS ESLs

Could anyone inform me on compatibility of a Tandberg 3012 running a pair of Innersound ISIS (4 ohm nominal impedance). Specs. on the Tandberg:

High current MOSFET Output
Rated at 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms
Rated THD: 0.02%
MM Phono S/N: 78 dB
MM Phono Sensitivity: 1.9 mV

Someone informed me that the Tandberg might not even be rated to drive 4ohm loads. Thanks for your knowledgeable input.
In general minimum impedence is more important that nominal. According to Soundstage review
its impedance dips to a low 2 ohms in the high frequencies and could, therefore, present something of a problem for low-powered tube amplifiers and solid-staters that are less than stable into difficult loads."
This would indicate that it might very well present a problem; since Tandberg is now defunct, and repairs are likely difficult/expensive, this might not be the best pairing. Disclaimer- never heard these together (or apart); just going on theory.
I had the Innersound Eros and I found them to be so power hungry that 300 watts didn't even work for me.