Opinions on Wyred 4 Sound ICE amps

These are somewhat new and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these high powered amps. Specifically if they are a good choice for Magnepans.

I had a negative opinion of class D amps. One of the first of these amps was a PS Audio amp that received a very favorable review in Stereophile. I auditioned one at home in my system and it was the worst amp I've ever heard. Everything sounded fake through that amp.

Many years have passed, and due to favorable comments on A-Gon, I decided to give class D another audition. I purchased an ST500 with the upgraded WBT output terminals. The system is configured with a VAC Renaissnace pre connected to the ST500 via balanced Audio magic IC's. The ST500 is using a PS Audio Prelude cord plugged into a Nordost Thor. The speakers are N802's biwired with DH Labs cable.

The W4S ST500 is the "best" solid state amp I've heard with N802's. The bass is powerful and controlled, neither too tight or overly warm. The bass is only noticeable if it is on the recording. This is not a ham fisted amp that puts a bass signature on every recording whether the bass is recorded or not. The soundstage is very chameleon like. Depending on the recording, it can be lively and up front or expansive with excellent depth. I read a couple of reviews that mentioned a lack of depth and I don't experience that. In fact, the ST500 is better than any of my amps in its ability to portray sonics outside the boundaries of the speaker itself. The midrange is excellent for solid state. The N802's are susceptible to glare through the upper mids and there is none of that with the ST500. Top end air is not as good as my tube amps but is perfectly adequate and does not call attention to the fact something is missing.

The W4S ST500 powering the N802's is a fantastic combination regardless of price. If one factors in price it is insane.

Other amps owned and auditioned with the N802's, Classe DR8 either bridged or biamped, Classe CA300, VAC Phi 110, and VAC PA100. Amps borrowed for audition, PS Audio, Threshold, Soaring Audio, and Manley.

Hello Mcondon,

"Personally, I ended up buying a W4S amp based on a reassurance from Rick Cullen that their amps sound a lot better than Bel Canto's Class D amps.."

Its unethical behaivor.... IMO

".... my impressions at Audio Exchange and in my own system were the same and left me unimpressed with W4S and Class D generally. YMMV, of course "

From one extreme to another. Firstly, you auditioned only amps based on mass production ICE-power module, The best amp based on such output stage is Jeff Rowland 312.

Secondly, when you will audition Spectron, Mark Levinson(No53), Kharma, Weiss and few other first class switching amplifiers then and only then you can make some generalized comment.


The person who started this thread asked about the Wyred 4 Sound amps, not about Spectron, Mark Levinson, Kharma, or Weiss switching amplifiers. I owned a Wyred 4 Sound amp, so felt I could offer first-hand impressions.

The amps you mention may sound terrific, although I suspect are considerably more expensive than Wyred 4 Sound amps and are not on the radar screen of the person who started this thread.

But since I have not heard the amps you referred to, my generalization about Class D amps was unwarranted.
I need an amp for my dad's old speaker (german brand, the enclosure is made from stone, can't remember the name, 87 db).

I found a second hand W4S MC4x250 for a good price, and tempted to give it a try.

I own Threshold SA1 and 10E monoblocks, do you guys think MC4 is comparable/better than the 20 yearsold Thresholds?

Seems though, as most class D amps is leaner in the lower mid, upper bass. Might be, that some speakers suits better and some worse.