Inpieces, you are right to quote the smart reviewer who wrote, don't listen to things that you understand you'd love if you can never afford them.
Another important point is the ability to "AB" products to make sure that you are hearing the difference that you think that you are hearing. It is easy to fall into the trap that it must be better because it costs more, especially around changes that bring only subtle sonic differences.
Having said all of that, I would love to take my new W4S to the bricks and mortar store and listen to the big Krell and the classe amps to see what the difference really is, if anything significant.
The more I think about amps, I keep thinking that a big heavy amp with heat sinks and large transformers has got to impact the sound. It is called distortion.
Just the opinion of a guy who has probably reached the limit for amp affordability. If I can convince myself of this, then I will quit thinking about it!