Should I get the Art Audio Jota

I'm seeking advise on what I would think should be an upgrade. Would the move from a cj Premier 11a to an Art Audio Jota (high current model) be recommendable within my system.

Modwright 9100ES W/ Platinum Truth cdp
cj 17LS Pre
JM Lab Mini Utopias
Siltech G3 interconnect and speaker cable
Phaelon - "I wasn't aware that there were preamp designs specific to single ended amps. "

Hi, I didn't mean to imply there were actual topologies specific to preamps used with SET amps. Just that there are sonic unique sonic traits in the best SET amps - their own form of transparency, tonality, etc. that is not readily apparent or existent in push-pull amps. So, if a designer/manufacturer is only fine tuning their preamps via PP amps, they would never notice these traits missing or degraded.

I'm not saying SET is inherently better than PP, each has it's benefits, just that is distinctly different in it's sonic presentation. Preamp designers who also build SET amps or work with them make sure these traits are preserved.
Thanks for the clarification; your point is well stated.

This was unexpected - I thought most of the posts would concern pairing a single ended amp with the Minis.
Phaelon - "I thought most of the posts would concern pairing a single ended amp with the Minis."

Yeah, that's one of the reasons why so few people achieve satisfaction out of attempts with SET. It's not just about the amp/speaker combination.

In my experience, SET setups are far more sensitive/revealing of total system synergy, than push-pull. It's not a simple plug-n-play experiment like using high-powered amps. Your really have to be willing to go over your entire system with a fine-toothed comb to get the glory.

That, doesn't have to mean spending tons of money, just getting the proper match of pieces. Input and output impedances are far more critical, load curves for speakers, capacitance of cables, etc.

And, upstream components are often ruthlessly revealed. Which is actually better than the flipside of that coin where upstream units prevent the full potential of the SET amp from being heard.

Anyway, back to your initial question, the high-current Jota should do pretty well with the Minis. Though, you may never know exactly how well until you try a different preamp.

The one good thing is used Art Audio amps hold their value extremely well. You can check it out for a few months and if the match is not your liking, then you can resell it for close to, if not exactly, what you paid for it.
Hi Darkmoebius,
Right or wrong, I've always thought that the synergy between high end components was atleast as important as their respective quality. For the time being, I want to hold on to the 17LS and the Minis so I'm going to be more opened minded about a replacement amp, which I consider my single biggest opportunity. I'll welcome posts to the contrary.
Phaelon -
"Since I acquired the Modwright, there seems to be just a little too much of a fuzzy warm aura that I'm attributing to the Premier 11a."

Tomryan -
"By the way, the CJ 17 and 11 are both a bit "fuzzy" sounding, kind of like looking outside through a window screen."

Ultimately, it's your ears and wallet who have to be final judge. But, good tube equipment has evolved a long way since the heyday of the 17LS and Premier 11a. Resolution/refinement/transparency being a few of the biggest areas. (musicality is open for debate)

Since you like the overall sound, except the fuzziness, have you considered comparing the 17LS & 11A to CJ's newer offerings? I'm sure they have come a long way.