Anyone try this Yanqin tube buffer?

A friend recently got a Yaqin tube buffer with a few different tubes (JJ Tesla E88CC & Jan Phillips 6922). We hooked it up to his Denon stereo setup (receiver and CD player) and did a bunch of A/B comparisons with the tube on and off and roiled the different tubes. I brought over a few Cd's including John Forgerty's latest "revival" and a cool bluegrass band Steeldrivers. Anyway, for anyone with a SS digital system. You know the standard player & receiver type setup. This is with out a doubt the best money spent to upgrade to a "tube type sound"!! He got his for $100. I found the same thing online for $175 and ordered one only to find out they are back ordered for 2 to 3 weeks.
I got to wrap this up but, basically you can put this in-line between your source and your amp/receiver and have the best of both worlds. The fast accurate detailed modern sound and the silky smooth dynamic sound of old all in one!!! No b.s. it's that good!! Latter.
I just read about the Yanqin in another forum and was surprised it's not been discussed here.

I have both generations of the Musical Fidelity and would like to compare them with the Yanqin.
Purchased two Yaqin tube buffers from Pacific Valve since I liked them so much. Also have a Musical Fidelity X10v3 tube buffer and compared them. Here is a link to my review comparing the two:

Definitely adds that tube warmth to any SS system. I use the JAN Phillips 6922 in my system.

Slbenz, great review and comparison to the MF X10v3. Did your X10v3 include the MF XPSUv3 outboard power supply as well? I have this, along with Revelation Audio Lab umbilical PC and Signal Cable Silver Resolution PC. I've been reasonably satisfied with this set-up between pre/pro and amps; but always wondered about the Yaqin. It sounded like more of an improvement when I added the buffer in front of my old Outlaw monoblocks. Since upgrading to Channel Island D-200's, there doesn't appear to be as much of a difference. I'm wondering if the Yaqin would kick it up a notch ... comments?
worth the try, smooth up the top end, less harshness. been good with telefunken and mullard tubes. know they cost a bomb and they are that good.