That Elusive Pre-amp bargain....?

About to run Magnepan 1.6/QR with Odyssey Stratos amp. I'll use my Denon reciever for a pre over the next couple of weeks, but I want a good SS or Tube pre-amp with a REMOTE.
I must have the remote. MUST!!! I want to spend about a grand and I know that's not a lot these days, but my home theater has drained me badly for a while. Still, I'd like better than the Denon.



If you want something cheap, but that will get you through till you win the lottery, check out the Aragon pre-amps. I used one several years ago, and for the money it was alright. I think it will do what you're looking for right now.



For 2 channel at about $1k, it would be hard to do much better than a BAT VK3i w/remote, and it also has an HT bypass function as well as a good remote. It accepts and outputs single ended and balanced.