EL34 Lovers?

What are your favourite amps using EL34 tubes? And why?
I raise the question because one of my amps is the Ars Sonum which uses four JJ Tesla EL34L and I think it is a fantastic amp with my speakers (Merlin VSM)and I assume the use of the EL34L has a lot to do with it. Every wonderfully rich, organic midrange with resulution and quite a bit of tuneful and present bass, which I did not expect due to the rep of the EL34 and the fact that the amp is "only" 30 watts (I'm use to bass, one of my other amps is a CAT JL2 which SOTA bass from a tube amp). I get the sense that there is a beauty in the EL34 and amps that use them. At least in the Ars, the tube is not "slow" "over lush", etc.

I would try a tube change from your JJ tubes to a set of Siemens, RFT, Mullard, Sylvania or Telefunken if you can find the deal.

I have a Sonic Frontiers SFS 40 I use in my B system. I swapped out the JJ's in it for a quad of Siemens as well as the driver/input tubes with Valvo's and it transformed the amp.

What was a passably good midrange while suffering in the high and low end has changed to an excellent midrange with very good highs and quite acceptable clean tuneful low end .

If you are happy with the EL-34 sonic signature- a good set of American or German EL-34's tubes may send you over the rainbow.

VTL MB-125. A phenomenal overall performer which showcases the EL-34's at their best. Any brand of tube you choose. Awesome amp.
Lissnr, what other amps did you audition or compare with the VTLs when you made your decision? Have you tried other amps since and decided to stick with what you have?

Ralph, I'm a bit hesitant to tube role withe Ars since it was desinged with the EL34L in mind I am told has more gain and "better" bass attributes than the non "L" version of these tubes - the Ars certainly seems to have excellent bass performance for a 30 watt integrated. Were your JJs the "L" versions?

My tubes were not the "L" version but I have had similiar results with other EL-34 based amps over the years. A Dynaco ST-70 & Sound Valves M-40 both responded to non-russian/non-chinese EL-34's with great improvements in dynamics and range.

It may be worth a tryout since you can resell good tubes easily. You have nothing to lose really by comparing and a non-russian EL-34 certainly will not hurt your amp.

Is this not the nature of this hobby to try new things?