EL34 Lovers?

What are your favourite amps using EL34 tubes? And why?
You can't unless you find them used. They were actually made from the Dynaco designed circuits after Dynaco's demise.

A company bought the designs ungraded the components to a degree and started producing Sound Valves amps.

You can find them occassionally here or on eB*y. They are easy to mod and if you like the Dynaco sound can be a real find.

I started into tube amps with a Jolida SJ-302A integrated just to get my feet wet, it was 50 wpc using 4x EL-34's total and I really thought it was a nice sounding unit and a great value. After that I was curious about the Hovland but it was cost prohibitive at the time. I new I liked the EL-34 from my Jolida experience so I sought out another contender which was VTL. I tried the ST-85 which was also a good sounding value but when I heard the MB-125's I was sold. A great amp which I just sold after almost 5 years of pure listening bliss. I miss it dearly (new speakers were too much for it) Please let us know what you're auditioning and your impressions. Good luck. Lissnr
The amp I am considering is a Music Reference RM9SE, which I auditioned yesterday at the house of an audiophile that happens to own the same preamp (Joule), speakers (Merlin)and cabling (Cardas) as I do and I thought it was outstanding. So along with my Ars Sonum (both are EL34 based) I think this tube is a real good match with my speakers. I don't think more than 30-50 watts are need to drive the Merlins as loud as I would ever want or could take. I think that VAC has also designed some good amps with the EL34 which I want might to try.
Pubul I'm driving my Merlins mxe's also with the El-34's through my Lectron JH 50. I think Like you it's a great match. I havn't had many amps behind the Merlin's but the EL-34 is by far the best performer. I'd love to hear the performance of the ARS someday to get another reference with these wonderful tubes. I'm also using the JJ tesla's. I think they provide a great neutral sound allowing the equipment to move out of the way. I haven't had any desire to try NOS tubes yet.

I'd be interested in what you come up with if you do some tube rolling.
