No negative impact using a remote, but no improvement in sound either, but there is a negative impact using any form of input or output switching.
It has has always crossed my mind to do a remote volume, but as it is the Lightspeed Attenuator has 99.9% reliability for minimum dollar expenditure.
Put in a remote receiver sensor circuit, a motorized pot and a good quality remote control, plus another 2 power supplies one for the receiver circuit and one for the motorized pot. And you have diminished that reliability by quite a bit. Plus you need a bigger chassis to house it all, and you have increased the price 3 fold. The cheap skates are already complaining about the $470 shipped price, can you imagine if it were to go over the grand mark.
I have a "KISS" reflection every now and again to bring me back to earth to make me realize why it is such a good product to begin with, and if it ain't broke don't ---- with it.
Cheers George
It has has always crossed my mind to do a remote volume, but as it is the Lightspeed Attenuator has 99.9% reliability for minimum dollar expenditure.
Put in a remote receiver sensor circuit, a motorized pot and a good quality remote control, plus another 2 power supplies one for the receiver circuit and one for the motorized pot. And you have diminished that reliability by quite a bit. Plus you need a bigger chassis to house it all, and you have increased the price 3 fold. The cheap skates are already complaining about the $470 shipped price, can you imagine if it were to go over the grand mark.
I have a "KISS" reflection every now and again to bring me back to earth to make me realize why it is such a good product to begin with, and if it ain't broke don't ---- with it.
Cheers George