Tube Pre-amp BAT, ARC, EAR, Sonic Frontiers

Hello everybody
My system is:
Accuphase dp-57
Electrocompaniet AW120
Usher Audio CP-6381

I need a preamp. After reading lots of topics i marked personally: BAT, Sonic Frontiers, ARC and EAR pre-amps. Does anyone have any ideas which one could match better? Or maybe another suggestion?
Unfortunatly I have no possibility to listen to them in my system. EAR is an exeption. I will listen to EAR-864 tomorrow. But I am more inspired of SF and BAT.
One more thing. I found that my sources and preamp sounded unequivocally better with a power regenerator. Tried numerous conditioners, but nothing was as good as complete regeneration. Not really surprising. I use the PS Audio P500; best $600 I've ever spent on audio. You could buy one on the 'gon and sell it for pretty much what you bought it for if you don't like it....
Are you using the SF Line 3 on regenerated power?
I tried that when I owned an SF Line 3 and the Line 3 sounded much better plugged straight into the wall. It has such a huge separte power supply, my findings were that conditioning made it sound worse.
Guys, all power questions really depend on your personal home condition. Also some ppl like regenerators and some ppl do not. it is okay