CP-700 Classe Pre-Amp

I was also looking at the CP-700 pre or a tubed pre.
Any comments on the CP-700?
Sally, I used to own a Audio Research Ref 3 preamp as well and preferred the Classe. Keep in mind that most Audio Research preamps have a high-ish output impedance so you may want to make sure your amps input impedance is a good match.
What pre did you end up going with?
I've heard great things about the old Classe gear..but, since B&W bought them....the reviews and comments haven't been very good.
I appreciate your info.
Sally, I now have the MBL 5011 preamp. I think MBL makes some great sounding electronics. The classe CP-700 is my second favorite pre I have owned (with the MBL being my favorite). I find your comment about the post B&W acquisition interesting. I have read good things and have had nothing but good experiences with the Cp-700. As I said before, the build quality is excellent, the user features very handy, and the sound is smooth, controlled, and neutral. I have no complaints. In fact, I was thinking very seriously about getting another CP-700 before I got my MBL.
I have not heard a CP 700 but I did own a CP 500 before I upgraded to a BAT VK 51SE. Tboooe described the Classe house sound very well - smooth, easy, without digital glare. The BAT VK 51se stands out for different reasons. The BAT has better dynamics/more PRAT and more precise stereo imaging. Tubes also added even more realism to vocals (the Classe is no slouch either on vocals though). So I suppose it all depends on what you are looking for. If you want a more exciting sound the BAT may work very well, if you want to maintain the smooth house sound of Classe, you may be better off sticking with Classe. To my ears BAT is generally brighter sounding than Classe but at the same time more forgiving on the highs with poorly recorded music (tube magic I suppose?). Lastly, the BAT is slightly darker sounding while the Classe is more neutral. You may or may not like this. I would audition both preamps before making a decision. Listening impressions can vary a great deal depending on listening room characteristics and system synergy. Good luck!
Thanks to both of you.
My only problem is that we don't have an ARC dealer in town..only a BAT dealer. The nearest ARC dealer is 4 hrs away. I've heard good things on the BAT VK-31SE and 51.
MBL is great gear..but, no dealer is within 10 hrs to take a listen.
I was also looking at SIM Audio's intergrated Moon i-7 and their Super Nova CD player.
I hear it's a 'killer' combo.
Have you heard any comments?