TVC Promethius versus Bent

Any impressions on differences from this that have tried TVCs from both these companies? Also, I'm not sure why a transformer would help over of a passive resistor based attenuator (assuming a very high quality pot)assuming drive, low output impedance source, low capacitance cables, high sensitivity amp with high input impedance (100kohm). If more is less, why isn't adding a transformer just more, though minimal, distortion? Sort of two questions, but I have a high quality passive volume control, but have an interest in the TVC idea, especially these two brands or something made by Kevin Carter.
New Bent TAPs are on the way using custom Intact Audio autoformers. According to John he's finishing up the first few production units and then needs a few weeks to stock up on parts.
What are the theoretical beneifts/disadvantages between autoformers and transformers?
From what I've read,the one advantage of the TVC is that it provides galvanic isolation, an autoformer cannot.
Will this make a difference is sound for better or worse..I have no idea.
Autoformers have been available for some time, John Chapman (BENT) and other premier passive TVC cos chose to use the S&B transformers; I have to believe there was a reason for that. Not saying the autoformers won't make great product, but it seems they were not the first choice when S&Bs were avaiable to the open market.
I will agree the S&Bs are classics. However, the Slagle autoformers by Intact Audio enjoy a pretty good if not somewhat cult like following. I learned recently that Jeffrey Jackson at Experience Music utilizes them and I have seen a couple other boutique manufacturers using them in their demo set ups at audio shows. Are they going to be as good as the S&B. Not sure, but I'd like to find out. John Chapman mentioned on his forum that if he couldn't get the new TAP to sound as good as the S&B version he wouldn't bother with it. Seems the custom wound autoformers (and John used custom S&Bs as well) are stacking up just fine.