Budget amps.

I'm looking to buy my first set of separates. I'm looking for a 5 channel amp. I would like 150watt minimum on the front 3 channels. My speakers seem to tax my 105watt B&K receiver pretty good. Can you guys give me some suggestions for something around the $600-$800 range, new or used. Emotiva, is right their with New stuff. I've seen some used Outlaw stuff in that range, what else. I'm Interested in anything decent New or Used.
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Check out http://www.odysseyaudio.com/products.html. Not sure how often their 5 channel amps come up used, but the two channel units are commonly available, sturdy and good sounding values. You would need a good processor to go with it.
No knowing what speakers your using, really makes these recomnmendations pretty much a guess. I'll join in with my own guess, I always thought the Marantz MA mono amps were pretty good for inexpensive surround sound.
Not so sure about that Emotiva post I made earlier,,,,the amps have been brought up in reviews for having some less then pleasing performance.