Integrated Tube Amplifier for First Timer?

Hi gang,

Been researching, and need some final direction...Speakers are high efficiency coaxial horns....

Looking to put a toe in the water before I make a bigger investment, so which do you believe would give the best impression of tubes on a budget (under $1,500 new):

Jolida 302RC

Cayin T-50 or equivalent (There's seems to be a number of amplifers that use this Spark chassis under varying name brands)

Other similar?

I would like to keep the power at 30/wpc minimum (large room, listening tastes and habits)...

There are so many items that meet this criterion, you owe it to yourself to do a bit of digging. Almost every response you get here or on other forums will necessarily be colored by that respondent's ownership and biased in the direction of such amp.

At this price level there is no real greatness, only "pretty-niceness" at best. I know, I played in that sandbox a long time. Buy used, with the understanding that you will probably outgrow it. Nothing wrong with that, and it is the path most of us who have been in this game any length of time have taken anyway. Assuming you have some funds and some time to do this and not get crazy serious about it, it can be a lot of fun.
There's still a used VTL IT-85 available here on audiogon. It's a steal at what the guy's asking for it plus it's got remote control. I really like VTL gear. Their house sound is warm and full bodied but not syrupy. Lots of bass for a tube amp also.

The Jolida 302b is a great starter Int. amp. However it can sound kind of blah without a active pre-amp in front of it.
Thanks everyone! I guess I should have mentioned that a remote is mandatory!!! I've been walking back and forth, turning the volume up and down, for 20 years now...

I definitely must have a remote for volume at least....
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I second the Eastern Electric M520 int amp.. I have tried and used most of the above amps in my particular system and after hearing this amp it is still in my system for the past three years, I can concur for the money it is a great bargain. Very musical and great tone.. If you can afford to replace all of the stock tubes for some NOS Mullards and Telefunkens you will have an amp that will just give you goosebumps!! IMHO.. It has a remote and Bill is a great guy to talk and deal with..By the way this was my first jump to tubes and personally I have enjoyed this amp and tube sound for the past three years. I won't and don't feel the need to go back to SS..The sad part is there are so many people out there that do not know about this little gem..Of course it all boils down to what tickles your fancy..