Balanced tube preamp for Class D amps

Need a balanced tube preamp for Class D monoblocks - specifically NuForce Ref9V2. Have too many XLR ICs to consider change to RCAs. Limited to $3k max (new or used). What preamps have worked well for you? Thanks.

Best regards,

I use the Audio Horizons TP 2.0 (with XLR) to a Spectron Musician Class-D amp.

Love it.
Here's what may seem at first glance to be a bit of a wild-card, but matches up GREAT with the V2SE's -- Antique Sound Labs 'Flora EX DT' autoformer preamp. Incredible bass, dynamics, soundstage, etc. I previously owned a BAT VK-31, VK3ixSE and a Reference Line passive before getting to the Flora and the Flora wipes the floor with these other pcs.

The Flora seems to possess all of the best attributes of passive and great tube active stages with NONE of the drawbacks.

Another member, Teajay, also uses the Flora preamp with his V2SE's with same positive results.

I would definitely do some research on this pc. before buying anything else as I feel it is a true sleeper/giant-killer. Also see the review at

Good luck in your hunt!
John, pardon the ignorance. . . I do not know what SMPS may be.

On the subject of tube preamps running hot. . . it depends what's in the power supply. . . my Audio Research has both a 6550C and a 6H30 in the power supply and runs quite hot, particularly in summertime.
I'm pretty sure your New Force amps have XLR inputs. THIS IS THE WAY TO GO. The difference between RCA and XLR is very much like tubes. To take advantage you obviously need a balanced preamp. Not many tubed pras are balanced, maybe none in your budget. There is a PS Audio GCP 200/GCPS for sale on Audio Asylum. It is a differentially balanced pre