First to Grannyring,
Thanks for pointing out that the major and really only criticism, with a few exceptions regarding other posters nasty responses about me and my opinion on Paul's thread, has been the repeated posts of George not to educate and inform in a respectful way, but his arrogant position that only he knows what really produces music the right way which justs happens to be his linestage. You might have paraphrased his frequent putdowns of anyone who does not agree, but your spot on at seeing it. I also have brought in the subject of him using this thread for pushing and marketing in a way I have never really seen on an AudioGon thread before. If it's not for financial reasons then he must really be a total egotist and thinks his opinion and device are a true gift to the audiophile community. If you think it's bold of me to share my opinion on this ongoing love letter to George, thanks for the support and compliment.
Secondly to Paul,
I never participate and rarely visit any DIY sites on the web. I admit my ignorance regarding how George comes across on those boards in his statements. My home base is this forum and this community, that's what I care about. You who never in any of your writing comes across with either dogma or any arrogance at all, why do you chose to be an apologist for this designer over and over again on your thread? Not the position that he's of course entitled to his opinion like we all are, but you seem unwilling to address the kind of remarks that Grannyring pointed out that run totally through George's remarks on your thread. You just say,"George thinks he has a great idea, and will argue its merits", implies he does this in a respectful and tolerant way towards people who don't see it his way. I don't think the facts back that up. I just don't get it, are you dear personal friend of his? Just not your nature to give him some feedback about his arrogant and condescending remarks on this forum? Some how your support for his LSA would be negated by being more blunt regarding how he comes across? Maybe by nature you are talented diplomat and just want to stay above the fray, and stick to the subject of your post. However Paul, in my opinion, George has really screwed up your very good and informational thread for the above stated reasons. So my respectful request to you is instead of another "spin" like, "he seems to be a true believer in his approach-rightly or wrongly", share what your honest opinion is regarding his writing here, just a passionate fellow or an arrogant blow hard regardless if he would rather be surfing or not.
Thanks for pointing out that the major and really only criticism, with a few exceptions regarding other posters nasty responses about me and my opinion on Paul's thread, has been the repeated posts of George not to educate and inform in a respectful way, but his arrogant position that only he knows what really produces music the right way which justs happens to be his linestage. You might have paraphrased his frequent putdowns of anyone who does not agree, but your spot on at seeing it. I also have brought in the subject of him using this thread for pushing and marketing in a way I have never really seen on an AudioGon thread before. If it's not for financial reasons then he must really be a total egotist and thinks his opinion and device are a true gift to the audiophile community. If you think it's bold of me to share my opinion on this ongoing love letter to George, thanks for the support and compliment.
Secondly to Paul,
I never participate and rarely visit any DIY sites on the web. I admit my ignorance regarding how George comes across on those boards in his statements. My home base is this forum and this community, that's what I care about. You who never in any of your writing comes across with either dogma or any arrogance at all, why do you chose to be an apologist for this designer over and over again on your thread? Not the position that he's of course entitled to his opinion like we all are, but you seem unwilling to address the kind of remarks that Grannyring pointed out that run totally through George's remarks on your thread. You just say,"George thinks he has a great idea, and will argue its merits", implies he does this in a respectful and tolerant way towards people who don't see it his way. I don't think the facts back that up. I just don't get it, are you dear personal friend of his? Just not your nature to give him some feedback about his arrogant and condescending remarks on this forum? Some how your support for his LSA would be negated by being more blunt regarding how he comes across? Maybe by nature you are talented diplomat and just want to stay above the fray, and stick to the subject of your post. However Paul, in my opinion, George has really screwed up your very good and informational thread for the above stated reasons. So my respectful request to you is instead of another "spin" like, "he seems to be a true believer in his approach-rightly or wrongly", share what your honest opinion is regarding his writing here, just a passionate fellow or an arrogant blow hard regardless if he would rather be surfing or not.