Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K?


I'm looking for thoughts on solid state amps around $1000 which have XLR & SE inputs... around 100 wpc or so.. and a balanced presentation.... and not real old.

Is there such a thing?

Usage is likely 50/50 music/HT... and as a back up amp for main system. So long as it doesn't have tendencies which stick out like a sore thumb, and is something one can listen to for extended periods... that'll probably do just fine.

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Here's another vote for the Odyssey Stratos. You might even find an Extreme version around that price range.
Well, I suppose the answer is Yes! there are indeed good amps around for $1K.

Thanks... again.. I must live under a rock... Odyssey? Well, you were sure right on that RSA Haley business. I agree completely... and I'm trying to get back to XLRville I guess.

So far it's Odyssey Stratos; Hafler 9505; ATI 2000 series. Is hafler still in business? I know the other are... or seem to be.

Don't wish to slight anyone, but I'm simply not big on Adcom. Truth be told, I was banking on a BAT VK200 being available.

Given the choices so far, do any have the edge in musicality? Or are these all straight forward neutral blue collar types? ...nut'n special? Or, should I even expect special in this $$ neighborhood?

I saw a number of reads on the Stratos, nothing on the Hafler... and an old note on the ATI units not the new ones though.

What, no Bells promoters?