Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K?


I'm looking for thoughts on solid state amps around $1000 which have XLR & SE inputs... around 100 wpc or so.. and a balanced presentation.... and not real old.

Is there such a thing?

Usage is likely 50/50 music/HT... and as a back up amp for main system. So long as it doesn't have tendencies which stick out like a sore thumb, and is something one can listen to for extended periods... that'll probably do just fine.

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My two cents if it might help:


The Odyssey Stratos looks very nice on paper. I have never heard it so I cannot comment on that.

If you must have balanced connections, like the Odyssey, and are not comfortable with pre-owned, I think you should buy it.

However, you do appear to have high standards when it comes to your equipment based on your current setup. Given that, $1000 is not a lot for a new SS amp. $1000 could buy you something first rate that went for over $2000 minus inflation pre-owned in its time.

Other than in the case of Class D/Icepower amplification, which might be worth considering as well in this price range (I have), I'm not sure that there is categorically much difference in general between today's most recent designs and those of a few years back, which might be had pre-owned at a significant discount, all other factors aside.

I appreciate the sentiments, and your perspective. I do understand too the slant of value by way of savings on preowned gear. Trust me on that… The Thor preamp would surely not be here were I to have been forced to pony up retail duckets for it. Only a few of my electronics comprising my now system were bought brandy new. The Sonata IIIs, some cabling, the Oppo, some iso deally thingys & tubes… the Onkyo receiver.. and some other items.

My previous BAT + VSA 4JR system was totally bought pre-owned save the wires… and a few of them were used as well. Some items weren’t entirely up to snuff outright. My inexperience then kept me unawares of some errant issues for a while and thus became irritating and ultimately costly for me.

Therefore now, I try to get as close to new as is possible, as a rule. Eg., above, feeling better about it. Still, I initially seek out those less costly pre-owned items.

To my detriment, patience is a virtue I am quite short on. So as I have said repeatedly for me, it comes down to me feeling good about a thing to do the deal.

I tried four or five sellers of various amps… some far more costly ones too. Some sellers didn’t even have the courtesy to respond, some took their time and replied with the caveat “it’s likely sold” , other’s were simply beyond what I could pay in the end… regrettably.

Being so decided, I felt that what was available currently, versus what I could get it for in new condition, well I made my pick.

The balanced bit? I already went through that part.


….Why not?

It’s apples and oranges…. New vs. preowned, I’m sure of it. The words aren’t even spelled the same way!

Seriously though used always has a real big question mark on it. Always.

Hell, it’s a toss of the dice in any event for matching. Always one for subjective reasons. So we do what we do for whatever we justifiably predispose.

To each their own.
Another thing I could say in favor of the Odyssey is that a lot of people have reviewed it very highly on Many positive, consistent reviews on a piece of equipment from people who actually own and use it is worth way more than any individual's sales pitch or opinion (in my opinion).
Good customer service is certainly a big factor!

The piece you are looking at has received many positive reviews form many very satisfied owners, so I have no doubt it represents a good value in new gear with the features that matter to you in your price range!

Just buy the dern thing + enjoy!

Just have fun....isn't that what it's all about?