Is there a very nice SS amp around 1K?


I'm looking for thoughts on solid state amps around $1000 which have XLR & SE inputs... around 100 wpc or so.. and a balanced presentation.... and not real old.

Is there such a thing?

Usage is likely 50/50 music/HT... and as a back up amp for main system. So long as it doesn't have tendencies which stick out like a sore thumb, and is something one can listen to for extended periods... that'll probably do just fine.

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Lots of good suggestions but it's time to get real.

We agree? Good... I'm feelling all warm & fuzzy now. Thanks.

Gee what a great handle. too bad the amp choice isn't as good. IMO

if their big 3-400 wpc mono block amps are better than that one, I'll pass. I heard the blocks not long ago and came away from that event feeling astounded as to how anyone would pay that much for that little by way of performance.

The setup might have not been the best.. you tell me... treated room... Wilson Sophias... Ayre 5 something preamp, .. Ayre 7 player... and all Transparent wireing... (pretty sure it was not the entry level cables).

Lot's of resolution, decent imaging, but it was like in black and white.. not musical. I was very suprized. Disappointed too. that was my one and only demo of Ayre gear as I was then interested in getting their 5 preamp.

I've given Ayre not one thought since then as the result.

...but I do appreciate your desire to share that possible resolution.