Planning with a goal in mind and not just jumping in haphazardly is most important to get away from this constant equipment turning.
I am actually going through the same issues with a cottage system. My wife wants simple inexpensive all in one solution with emphasis on cost and small foot print (no floor standers)and big boxes. My goals are also small footprint while keeping cost down but sound quality is very important to me; so we continue to work the issues.
I am sure it is very frustrating and costly to be searching and not finding what you are looking for. And significant others get very perplexed very quickly as the costs escalate. Like throwing money into a pit.
I would suggest sitting down with her and thinking this out before your next move.
And obviously equipment suggestions from this site are very subjective and may not produce system synergies or be anything close to what you are looking for.
Good Luck
I am actually going through the same issues with a cottage system. My wife wants simple inexpensive all in one solution with emphasis on cost and small foot print (no floor standers)and big boxes. My goals are also small footprint while keeping cost down but sound quality is very important to me; so we continue to work the issues.
I am sure it is very frustrating and costly to be searching and not finding what you are looking for. And significant others get very perplexed very quickly as the costs escalate. Like throwing money into a pit.
I would suggest sitting down with her and thinking this out before your next move.
And obviously equipment suggestions from this site are very subjective and may not produce system synergies or be anything close to what you are looking for.
Good Luck