Anyone heard about the new Mcintosh MC2301's?

I'm putting my name on the list for the new MC2301 mono tube amps from Mcintosh. just wondering what the word is on them from people who keep up with this more than I.
For those of you who haven't heard yet, this is a new amp which Mcintosh is taking orders on now. It is to be about 300 watts and tube mostly but I think it has some SS in it as well to achieve the power. My dealer here in Atlanta is having a music event for 2 channel only on May 1, and they will have these on display assuming they ship by then.
Georgia Home Theater. They will have representation in town from Mcintosh, B&W, Classe A, Shunyata, and Wilson, and maybe more. The entire store will be set up for 2-channel. No sales will be done that day and it will just be to spark intrest in 2 channel. From what I understand each manufacturer will either bring stuff to set up or pull from existing inventory and can set up any system they want I think.