Well its 3 a.m. in the morning. I just got my stands and all put together. The mcintosh stuff looks absolutely phenominal. I only listened to a couple songs as I just couldn't stay awake. Put a burn in cd in on repeat all. I listened to Dianna Krall/ live in paris//. I couldn't really turn it up and it was the first noise this baby has let out, but it sounded very nice to my tired ears. I've found that when I'm tired I can't really focus on what I'm hearing. I will have to say the vocals were wonderful and the piano was big and bold. Very nice tone for a brand new out of the box but will have to listen more tomorrow when I get some rest and get to turn the volume up a bit. Maybe play with speaker placement and listening position. I am so far confident that this is going to be my system for a long time and look forward to more listening tomorrow. I will follow up again tomorrow evening.