The Placette is hard to characterize in the usual
review gargon. It is open, fresh, engaging, clear,
and,yes, transparent. The Lamm is very similar, easy
to use and listen to. For balance the Lamm has two
volume controls, should we need boost unilaterally.
Only three inputs on the Placette, barely enough:
CD, phono and tuner. No tape loop. But what is there
is clear, the best. No need for balance control so far.
If needed, told it is an add-on available. No frills.
No extras. But what is here is honest, useful, musical.
review gargon. It is open, fresh, engaging, clear,
and,yes, transparent. The Lamm is very similar, easy
to use and listen to. For balance the Lamm has two
volume controls, should we need boost unilaterally.
Only three inputs on the Placette, barely enough:
CD, phono and tuner. No tape loop. But what is there
is clear, the best. No need for balance control so far.
If needed, told it is an add-on available. No frills.
No extras. But what is here is honest, useful, musical.