Dear Colleagues,
I have question about Nagra Pl-p preamp. Can I have a XLR in-out option for it?
Is somebody had this option?
So, I need to choose between Pl-l XLR and Pl-p without XLR. Amps are VPA monoblocks, so my friend told me PlL is better than PLp in this setup.
All my CDPs and Nagra DAC has balanced outputs and what reason to use RCA in top preamplifier??????? But Plp has a battery power supply....
So, I need a help!
I have heard the PL-P and PL-L at the same time. They definitely sound different and I preferred the PL-P, which I bought. By the way, if you get the PL-P, you should listen to vinyl through it as that is amazing (and really why I bought it). Interestingly, the PL-P's measurements show more distortion than the PL-L.
Thank you for answer!
So, I will use through some weeks Pl-p with Jensen autotransformesr:
I think what it is good compromissed situation. If for somwbody it will be interesting, I will post little about Jensen+Nagra