VAC Owners: Balanced or Single-Ended Cables???

It appears that many folks who use VAC amplification are standardized with VAC gear for both their preamp and power amp.

For those of you that use VAC for your pre and power amps, which do you feel yeilds better sound, Balanced XLR cables or Single-Ended RCA cables?

I've listened extensively both ways and prefer single ended. It's just more organic sounding to me, YMMV of course....
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If the runs are short agreed. However, for long runs the balanced will likely yield better results. I'm running about 15 meters and obviously using balanced.
Hi Richard:

As a rule of thumb, what do you consider to be the cut-off for "long runs?"

Based on your experience, do you feel that SE is the better choice for 5M or less?

5 Meters I would likely go balanced. 4 Meters it's questionable. 3 Meters likely SE. This of course would vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and environmental conditions. Low RF environments tend have less of a benefit with balanced than higher RF environments--so obviously this is just what I would consider reasonable starting points on average.