Downgrading from JC-1's...which amp should I get?

Hello all,
Due to financial circumstances, I will probably be forced to sell my beloved Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblock amps in a few months.
Along with my JC-1's, I am presently using a Parasound PLD-2000 preamp, two pairs of Paradigm Reference Studio 100 version 2 loudspeakers wired in parallel, a Marantz SA8001 cd/sacd player, heavily modded Sony ES 400 disc dvd changer, LAT International speaker cables and interconnects.
I want a replacement used budget power amp that will not give up too much sonically from the JC-1 monoblocks, and be able to drive low impedances [2 ohms] with relative ease like the JC-1's do with no sweat.
I know that none of these amps that I am about to name will match the sonics or power output of the JC-1's, but I must compromise alittle to help my finances.
Out of the following amps, which would you most recommend to meet my requirements:
1. Parasound HCA-3500
2. Parasound A-21
3. Rotel RB-1090
4. Adcom GFA-5802
5. Krell KAV-400xi integrated.
6. Nad Masters Series M-3 integrated
7. Something else [please name].
Thanks so very much for your help!
Also consider the Musical Fidelity A5 integrated. I also use Krell and CJ amps and this is a fine piece with power to spare.
Yoiu should be able to buy brand new Wyred4Sound amps in your new price range. I am using the SX500s on my Magnepan 3.5Rs
H2O Signature 100 (stereo), $2,000, extremely powerful and drives 1 Ohm loads with no sweat.

Odyssey Monos, $2,295 and can be upgraded when funds reappear.
How about a Rev A modded McCormack amp? They're not far different from the JC-1 in sound and you pick one up used relatively inexpensively.
