Tube vs Tran

As my kids are now in high school and beyond, I am starting to get back into 2 channel music.
I am looking at integrated amps with a budget of about $3000.00.
My question: if we always hear how great tubes sound as far as warmth, sound stage, etc, etc. Why buy trans equipment? If one uses speakers that are good match with tube, why not use?
There could be an obvious answer, and if so pls forgive me. But, I really am interested in what you all think out there.
Some people really like the euphoric sound produced by these designs.

I suppose you meant "euphonic" sound that caused some listeners to go euphoric?

David12 is on point.Going from solid state to tubes is like going from High school to University.Why would you ever go back.
I know Atmasphere, I used to work for Fourier. Markwatkiss, read the first response again.