amp or preamp..what should i keep?

I have a forte mod 3 amp and a ocm 55 preamp on the front end pushing some paradigm studio 60 v3 with a kinergetics sw150 sub. I dont think the amp and pre match up so well and not sure if i should invest in a new amp or preamp? cd player is a music hall 2.5. my budget would be around 700.
I am familiar with your preamp and Forte. Keep the amp and buy yourself a a nice tube preamp like the Eastern Electric Minimax preamp which is within your price range, you will not be sorry.
the belles designed ocm should be the ticket wth your amp. to know why you want to change anything, tell us what you are looking for
thanks for your response, what im looking for is a little warmer sound,more presence and a better soundstage.
i would experiment with interconnects and speaker cable and placement before throwing anything under the bus. the system on paper sounds good to me.