SS Amp for natural vocals

I would like to find a solid state amp that does vocals really well. One that gives you that real sounding, in the room sound. I have a c-j 17LS2 preamp and Dali Helicon 400 speakers, which can do this reasonably well. Now I need an amp that can bring vocalists into my room. Thanks.
Dartzeel gets my vote.These have 99% of the midrange magic that my Tenors olt's have without the heat. I finally put my Tenors up for sale. Also I recently moved and lost a rubber foot for the amp, Herve sent extra feet to me in 3 days at no charge. I believe this qualifies for good service.
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Tvad, How did your Belles compare to the Pass amps? How did the midrange including vocals compare? I would like to own a Pass XA.5 but the Belles would fit my budget a lot better.
Yes, I am Tvad. Thanks for blowing my cover. :)

In fact, I only became a dealer as a result of auditioning the original Nuforce Ref 9s several years ago when within the first 80 hours they met or exceeded the musicality, refinement, and bass control of my old McCormack DNA 2 Revision A amp.

Considering the DNA 2 Rev. A was rated 600 wpc into 4ohm loads and my speakers at that time were rated at 86db @4ohms, I found the original Ref9 quite impressive. It might be worth mentioning that the Nuforce amps aren't even fully burned in until about 140 hours.

The SE-V2 versions are only about 40% better than the original Ref 9s and have tremendous bass authority.

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